Critter’s backstory
If all sound comes from vibration which is basically any movement, what does it mean for sound to come before anything else? What does it mean for the sound to come first? Can sound be created without movement? What does it mean to have sound happen in reverse? What is the absence of vibration? Imagine a sound whose vibration creates a life.
Sound has created the critter rather than the critter creates sounds. I envision this sound as a rogue noise that wouldn’t act like the rest of the sounds and just fade away.
What are things that it is very good at doing?
The Critter is very good at defending itself. It knows how to survive. Extremely good Survivor. Some might call it an extremophile in that it lives in some of the hardest conditions and hardest environments found on Earth but yet lives with what looks like ease to outsiders. It's vital organs, heart, it’s most delicate parts, are on the outside of its body and as such, need to be protected at all times. Although, you wouldn't know how delicate it really is from its attitude. It offers itself up, without regard for its own safety. That is not to say that it won’t protect itself in those moments, it would just rather not defer the burden of its own survival to another being.
What are some areas where it needs improvement?
The critter could benefit from learning to let go. Its grip is unrelenting. Its focus cannot be broken when it becomes obsessed.
What are its vulnerabilities?
This Critter is very emotional and it’s emotions can get the best of it. It struggles to learn humility and often treats itself as much more invincible than it should.
Where does it live?
Critter comes from a dense snarl of brambles woven too tight to see the center of.
The following sounds are a manipulation of audio recordings alongside electronically created sounds.
This is the landscape that came my first thoughts of a critter.